Porting a Module to Elm 0.17
Elm 0.17 has been out for a little while now; it has a slightly different way of doing things compared to 0.16 and before. Like many others, I started porting my existing applications to 0.17 - first I started with my only "production" application, elm typing tutor, which was pretty trivial to update. After that, I moved onto the sample code I wrote for a talk I gave here in Chicago about Elm, which was also pretty simple. Last weekend, I took it upon myself to update my last remaining body of 0.16 code - the first application I wrote in Elm, one I've been keeping up-to-date since 0.14. I haven't released this code publicly yet; but suffice to say it's an application with a coordinate grid that you can click and drag to scroll around. The drag event functionality is encapsulated in its own module, and porting it to 0.17 was a little more challenging than before, so I thought I'd talk about how that went!
Drag.elm - 0.16 and earlier
First things first - here's what Drag.elm
looks like as of Elm 0.16:
module Drag where
import Mouse
import Signal
type alias MouseState = {
isDown : Bool,
wasDown : Bool,
prevPosition : (Int, Int),
currPosition : (Int, Int)
type alias DragDistance = (Int, Int)
mouseState : Signal MouseState
mouseState =
Signal.foldp (\(isDown, newPos) oldState -> {
isDown = isDown,
currPosition = newPos,
wasDown = oldState.isDown,
prevPosition = oldState.currPosition
}) { isDown = False, wasDown = False, prevPosition = (0, 0), currPosition = (0, 0) }
<| Signal.map2 (\a b -> (a, b)) Mouse.isDown Mouse.position
mapDragState : MouseState -> DragDistance
mapDragState ms =
if ms.isDown && ms.wasDown
then let (currX, currY) = ms.currPosition
(oldX, oldY) = ms.prevPosition
(currX - oldX, currY - oldY)
else (0, 0)
drag : Signal DragDistance
drag =
Signal.map mapDragState mouseState
It's not a lot of code, and it's pretty easy to follow, I think. My favorite part
about how this module works in 0.16 is that it exposes two things you need to care
about - DragDistance
, which is the distance the mouse has been dragged since
the previous event, and drag
, a stream of drag events. It's extremely simple
to integrate into your code; just consume the drag
signal and handle it in
your update
Updating to 0.17 - What's Changed?
Even before 0.17, most modules like Drag.elm
resemble the Elm architecture: you
have initialization, events you care about, and updating your state according to
events. Applications have a view, which isn't really needed for modules.
With 0.17, modules like this one resemble the Elm architecture even more, because
now things like Signal.foldp
don't exist. It's up to the application developer
to call the module's initialization, update, and subscription routines. Another
change is that Signal
is gone, replaced by Sub
and Cmd
, which correspond
to the types of the events you're interested in, and the events themselves, respectively.
Cmd and Conquer
For this module, I decided to expose an additional event type in addition to
the internal events that drag needs to update its state; I wanted the consuming
application to get a Drag
event whenever a drag occurred. To do that, I
needed the module's update
function to create a Cmd
. There's no
function in Elm 0.17 to simply create a Cmd
, so this was my first stumbling
block. Fortunately, the Elm Slack channel is always helpful, and szabba
provided me with a snippet of code that did just that: Task.perform (always <| Drag (dx, dy)) (always <| Drag (dx, dy)) Time.now
The Finished Product
Here's what the finished module looks like, with module documentation omitted for brevity:
module Drag exposing (Model, Msg, initialModel, subscriptions, update)
import Task
import Time
import Mouse
type alias Model = {
isDown : Bool,
currPosition : (Int, Int)
type Msg =
MouseUp Mouse.Position |
MouseDown Mouse.Position |
MouseMove Mouse.Position
initialModel : Model
initialModel = {
isDown = False,
currPosition = (0, 0)
subscriptions : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Sub msg
subscriptions constructor model =
let ups = Mouse.ups <| constructor << MouseUp
downs = Mouse.downs <| constructor << MouseDown
moves = Mouse.moves <| constructor << MouseMove
subs = if model.isDown then [ ups, downs, moves ] else [ downs ]
in Sub.batch subs
dragCmd : ((Int, Int) -> msg) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Cmd msg
dragCmd constructor (px, py) (cx, cy) =
let dx = px - cx
dy = py - cy
task = always <| constructor (dx, dy)
in Task.perform task task Time.now
update : ((Int, Int) -> msg) -> Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd msg)
update constructor msg model =
case msg of
MouseUp _ -> ({ model | isDown = False }, Cmd.none)
MouseDown {x, y} -> ({ isDown = True, currPosition = (x, y) }, Cmd.none)
MouseMove {x, y} ->
let newModel = { model | currPosition = (x, y) }
cmd = if model.isDown
then dragCmd constructor model.currPosition (x, y)
else Cmd.none
in (newModel, cmd)
And here's some example code that uses it:
import Html.App as App
import Html exposing (Html, text)
import Drag
type alias Model = {
dragModel : Drag.Model,
dragDistance : Int
type Msg =
DragMsg Drag.Msg |
Drag (Int, Int)
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
let initialModel = {
dragModel = Drag.initialModel,
dragDistance = 0
} in (initialModel, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = Drag.subscriptions DragMsg model.dragModel
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
DragMsg msg ->
let (newDragModel, dragCmd) = Drag.update Drag msg model.dragModel
in ({model | dragModel = newDragModel}, dragCmd)
Drag (dx, dy) -> ({ model | dragDistance = model.dragDistance + (abs dx) + (abs dy) }, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model = text <| toString model
main : Program Never
main = App.program {
init = init,
update = update,
subscriptions = subscriptions,
view = view
You may have noticed that I highlighted a few lines in Main.elm
; I wanted
to talk about what I feel is a weakness of 0.17 compared to previous versions
of Elm. The highlighted lines all have something in common: they are all spots
in the main application code that need to concern themselves with how the
dragging module works. Before, Drag.elm
took care of its own
intialization, event subscriptions, and updating; but now, that responsibility
falls to the user.
UPDATE - 2016-06-15
Ahri on Reddit
asked me to demonstrate what the code for Main.elm
would look like in 0.16, so
here it is:
import Drag
import Html exposing (Html, text)
initialState : Int
initialState = 0
view : Int -> Html
view dragDistance = text <| toString dragDistance
update : (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int
update (dx, dy) dragDistance =
dragDistance + (abs dx) + (abs dy)
main : Signal Html
main = Signal.map view <| Signal.foldp update initialState Drag.drag
Elm 0.17 is great for lowering the barrier to entry to the
language, but I'm afraid that it may make things harder on authors of modules like
this one, and I'm afraid of the increased boilerplate that consuming these
modules requires. "Official" modules like Random
don't need this; you don't
need to help them set themselves up or manage their state. A quick peek at the
code reveals something called an effect module, but I'm guessing that's an
internal concept that the core team isn't quite ready for the world to see.
I know that 0.17 and the ideas introduced with it are still very fresh; I'm
confident that the core Elm team will come up with ways for authors to write
their own event modules in a way similar to Random
, keeping Elm easy and
fun for module and application authors alike!