The Leaving of Madison

Madison, Wisconsin is a wonderful city. I've spent the last seven or so years of my life here, first as a student, then as a member of the workforce. To me, it's the perfect mix of a bustling city and a charming town. I've met so many great people here, and for that I am thankful.

Posted on 2012-02-15

Are Open and Sustainable Compatible?

My girlfriend Michelle and I were having breakfast yesterday, and the conversation turned to bookstores, libraries, and e-readers.

Posted on 2012-01-31

Monitoring MySQL Batch Jobs With SHOW PROCESSLIST

Right now, I'm working on a Perl script that needs to do some data analysis on a MySQL table with nearly three billion rows. I don't have to process every row, so I have a WHERE clause to use, and since the table is partitioned by month, I decided to process the data set chunked by partition. So the query to fetch a chunk looks something like this:

Posted on 2012-01-16

Using Two Different Protocols for the Same Git Remote

If you read my post on Adding Remote Shortcuts to Git, you may have found it useful for specifying shortcuts for easy cloning. In case you haven't read it, the summary is that to clone my linotify repository on GitHub, I need only type the following:

Posted on 2012-01-11

Using XMPP to Find Out When a Long-Running Process is Done

Do you often find yourself running a process that you know is going to take a while? Do you also find yourself checking the shell it's running in every five minutes to see if it's done? I do this fairly often, so what I used to do is something like this:

Posted on 2011-10-27