
Lately, I've noticed that I've devoted a lot of my time to open source projects or projects at work. While these are important, the kind of work these involve can get a bit repetitive at times, and I haven't really allocated a lot of time for "play" programming. By that, I mean writing things for fun, or experimenting with new things. To quote Albert Einstein:

Posted on 2013-06-05

A Google Reader Alternative: Tiny Tiny RSS

Well, if you haven't already heard, Google is discontinuing Google Reader as of July 1st. I used to be a Google Reader junkie, but I have since moved away from it, and since everyone seems to be looking for an alternative, I thought I would mention the "service" I moved to: Tiny Tiny RSS.

Posted on 2013-03-19

A Pygments Highlighter For Perl 6

For the past two weeks, I have been working on a Pygments syntax highlighter for Perl 6. It has finally reached a state where I feel it is ready to be tested by the community! If you have some Perl 6 code and some spare time, please test it out. Or if you're interested in helping out the Perl 6 community by testing this code, please feel free to grab the source for an existing Perl 6 module ( and verify that the colored output makes sense. The code is located here:

Posted on 2013-01-05

Yesterday I Did a Hackathon, and Here's What I Learned

Yesterday, I attended a game creation hackathon at the Dutch Game Garden in Utrecht, courtesy of HackersNL. We had eight hours to create a game based on content from "Open Culture Data sets", which is a grouping of data sets involving the Netherlands. We had at our fingertips the works of the Rijksmuseum, sounds of the Netherlands, maps from the Dutch golden age, among other things. At the start, I had no idea what I would work on. I thought I might make a Memory-style game where the cards have Dutch works of art on them. However, I eventually had a better idea: I ended up writing a game where you play a thief that sneaks around the Rijksmuseum at night, stealing works of art and hiding from the guards. But the game isn't important: what's important here is the knowledge I gained during this experience, which I would like to relate to you now. A lot of it are things I already knew, but the experience really helped to drive it home! I'm mainly writing this to gather my thoughts and serve as a reference to my future self, but hopefully you will be able to learn something too, get motivated to take part in a hackathon, or at least relate to the experience.

Posted on 2012-12-28

Quickly Change Directory to the Repo You Just Cloned

A common pattern in my shell usage is something like this:

Posted on 2012-12-18