Game of Life
In my previous post, I covered my adventures with a Lisp formerly known as DrScheme (Racket). Since Lisp has so much cred in the hacker community, I figured I would pick an equally credentialed problem for my Lisp program: Conway's Game of Life!
Read More...Posted on 2016-04-13
What's That Racket?
For my third language of the month, I figured I would cover a language of venerable heritage: Lisp. Part of Lisp's fame centers around the supposed enlightenment one achieves when one finally "gets" Lisp.
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Binding to C++ With NativeCall
A few months back, I was working on Xapian bindings for Perl 6. I got enough of the binding done for me to use it for what I wanted (using Xapian's stemmers and stoppers), but not enough for me to feel comfortable publishing it on However, what I am comfortable publishing is what I learned about binding a C++ library to Perl 6 using NativeCall!
Read More...Posted on 2016-03-28
A Strongly Typed Typing Tutor
My project for the February language of the month was really exciting to work on, because it incorporates two of my favorite things: programming, and learning (natural) languages.
Read More...Posted on 2016-03-07
Climbing the Elm Tree
The selection of the second language of the month was mired in confusion; there was one language I had had in mind, and I spent the week after the previous blog post learning more about it. However, I then learned a new release was in the pipeline for April, so it seemed natural to delay my adventures with that language for two months.
Read More...Posted on 2016-03-06
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