Binding to C++ With NativeCall
A few months back, I was working on Xapian bindings for Perl 6. I got enough of the binding done for me to use it for what I wanted (using Xapian's stemmers and stoppers), but not enough for me to feel comfortable publishing it on However, what I am comfortable publishing is what I learned about binding a C++ library to Perl 6 using NativeCall!
NativeCall Support for C++
NativeCall supports C++ to a degree. It handles name mangling and some object-oriented stuff. What it doesn't (and can't without implementing a C++ compiler) handle are things like templates; it also doesn't handle exceptions.
To get around these limitations, I ended up writing a Perl 6 script that parses a subset of C++ – enough to parse the classes from the Xapian headers. After the parse, the script generates the appropriate C++ and Perl 6 code to assist in the binding.
Exception Handling
Exception handling is...well, a little exceptional when it comes to Perl 6. When C++ throws an
exception, it needs to have an exception handler above it on the call stack to handle it,
otherwise std::terminate
is called and aborts the program. Since MoarVM is
written in C, it has no knowledge of how to support exceptions.
The way I got around this was to pass a Perl 6 callback to each Xapian method call; the callback creates an exception object in Perl 6 which is thrown after the NativeCall sub returns. This is how this looks on the C++ side:
xapian_database_add_database(xapian_database self, xapian_database database, void (*handle_exception)(const Xapian::Error *)) throw ()
try {
} catch(const Xapian::Error &error) {
...and on the Perl 6 side:
method add_database(Database $database) {
my $ex;
my $result = xapian_database_add_database(self, $database, -> NativeError $error { $ex =$error) });
$ex.throw if $ex;
The reason we need to do this with a callback is because C++ is only guaranteed to hold on to an
exception's memory within the catch
block. We could copy the exception, but C++ forbids
us from doing so polymorphically, and it would lose a lot of information about the exception in
Perl 6 land. Also, we can't throw the exception in the callback, because then native-side cleanup
would not happen.
In addition, we need to declare our wrapper routines with throw ()
to tell the C++ runtime
that exceptions must not pass through. This is so if by chance we miss an exception, we'll
abort the program predictably, as well as avoid any wacky "C++ exception-throwing code called
by a Perl 6 callback called by C++" situations.
Each C++ object is managed by the garbage collector, but since C++ classes can have custom destruction logic, we
need to make sure that we call the destructors when the garbage collector comes knocking. Perl 6 implements
finalization via the DESTROY
submethod, so DESTROY
calls a native sub that uses the delete
However, it's not as simple as doing that for every class! If you have a hierarchy of classes, each DESTROY
method ends up getting called, which means that delete
will be called more than once for any subclass, which
tends to make most C++ runtimes very unhappy! The solution for this is pretty simple; only have a DESTROY
method calling the destructor at the top of each hierarchy. If multiple inheritance enters the picture, things
will be more complicated, but fortunately I haven't had to deal with that yet!
A tricky thing about having C++-side destruction logic called via DESTROY
is that DESTROY
is called
at a non-deterministic time (due to the garbage collector) and may not be called at all if an object lives until
the end of a process. Since a lot of C++ libraries rely on RIIA, I may end up offering some sort of analogous
mechanism with the Xapian bindings.
Operator Overloading
Wiring up overloaded operators isn't terribly complicated, but like the other topics covered in this
post, there are quirks that need to be dealt with. First, the names of subroutines used to overload
operators differ in C++ and Perl 6; for example, operator ()
becomes CALL-ME
, ++
, and ==
becomes eqv
. This part is pretty simple once you get it figured out.
The really quirky thing you need to make sure and do is export your overload subs to any code that uses your binding's objects, otherwise a more general variant will be called. For example:
my $it = $doc.termlist-begin;
my $end = $doc.termlist-end;
while $it !eqv $end {
my $term = $it.deref;
If you have the right multi subs in your namespace, this code works without a problem. If you don't,
the &infix:<eqv>:(Any, Any)
variant will get called, which will end up comparing the pointers (which
will never end up being true) and eventually causing the program to segfault.
UPDATE: It occurred to me after writing this post that it would probably be a good idea to
use is export(:MANDATORY)
for your overloaded operator subs; that way, code using your module
use them.
Virtual Methods
Xapian allows a developer to extend its behavior through subclassing and overriding virtual methods. In order to provide a fully-featured binding, a Perl 6 developer needs to be able to do the same. Here's an example of a custom stopper that accepts terms that only have Cyrillic letters:
class CyrillicOnlyStopper is repr('CPointer') is Xapian::Stopper {
method CALL-ME(Str $term) returns Bool {
($term ~~ /<-:Cyrillic>/).Bool
The way this works is that C++ sets up a special subclass of the target superclass, which accepts
a set of function pointers, one for each virtual method. new
on the Perl 6 side detects when
a subclass is being instantiated, and passes code objects for each overridden method into the C++
constructor. The special C++ subclass calls these pointers upon a virtual method call; if a
method is not overriden by Perl 6, the corresponding function pointer is set to NULL, which indicates
to C++ just to call the superclass' method.
Keeping References Alive
Let's say you have the following code:
my $term =;
$term.set_stemmer( 'en');
This seems safe at first glance, but there's a problem lurking beneath the surface.
creates a C++ object managed by the Perl 6 runtime, but calling set_stemmer
only sets up a relationship
on the C++ side of the things. The garbage collector doesn't have any knowledge of this relationship, so
from its perspective, the stemmer is unreachable, and thus fair game for collection. I haven't implemented
a fix for this yet, but I have a few ideas, like keeping references around on a private structure bound
to the Xapian namespace, or making the Xapian objects on the Perl 6 side a little more complicated than
just wrapped pointers and attaching the extra references there.
Plumbing and Porcelain
Another language I have experience writing bindings for is Lua, and there's a pattern I borrowed from Git that I like to follow when writing bindings there. Git has the concepts of plumbing and porcelain; plumbing is code and utilities used to implement functionality at a low level, and porcelain uses the plumbing layer to implement higher-level functionality. So when I write bindings for Lua, I try to write a plumbing layer using Lua's C API; the plumbing layer more or less directly mimics what the API being bound looks like, and the porcelain layer provides the same functionality wrapped in constructs that feel like idiomatic Lua.
The current Xapian bindings are just the plumbing; I hope to write some porcelain so that instead of code like this:
my $it = $doc.termlist-begin;
my $end = $doc.termlist-end;
while $it !eqv $end {
my $term = $it.deref;
...users of the Xapian module could write this instead:
for $doc.terms -> $term {
Published on 2016-03-28